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本网站是一个为用户提供游戏信息和资源分享的平台,所有资源均由用户自行上传或提供。- 本网站仅作为资源展示与交流的技术服务提供方。
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- 法律适用与解释
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Welcome to PyHorse (hereinafter referred to as “this website”). Before using the services provided by this website, please carefully read the following disclaimer:
- User-Generated Content
This website is a platform for users to share and exchange game information and resources.- All resources on this website are uploaded or provided by users themselves.
- This website acts solely as a technical service provider for displaying and sharing resources.
- This website does not review or monitor the uploaded content for authenticity, completeness, or legality.
- Any copyright or legal disputes arising from user-uploaded content are the sole responsibility of the user.
- Copyright and Infringement Handling
This website respects intellectual property rights and complies with applicable laws and regulations.- If you are the copyright owner of any content and believe your rights are being infringed on this website, please contact us via the following method:
- Email: [email protected]
- Email subject: “Copyright Complaint + Infringing Link”
- Please provide the following materials: your identity information, proof of ownership, infringing link(s), and specific details of the infringement.
- Upon receiving a legitimate notification, we will promptly verify the issue and remove the infringing content.
- If you are the copyright owner of any content and believe your rights are being infringed on this website, please contact us via the following method:
- User Responsibility
All resources provided on this website are uploaded by users, and any actions such as downloading or using the resources are solely the responsibility of the user.- Users must ensure that their actions comply with the laws and regulations of their country or region when using resources from this website.
- This website is not responsible for any violations or illegal activities conducted by users.
- Resource Usage Restrictions
All resources provided on this website are for educational, research, and personal exchange purposes only.- The resources must not be used for any commercial or illegal purposes.
- Users are solely responsible for any legal consequences resulting from violations of laws or website policies.
- Scope of Disclaimer
- This website does not guarantee the availability, applicability, or legality of the resources provided.
- This website shall not be held liable for any unavailability of resources caused by force majeure, server issues, or third-party actions.
- Governing Law and Interpretation
This disclaimer is governed and protected by applicable laws and regulations. In case of any disputes arising from this disclaimer, the applicable laws shall prevail. The right to interpret this disclaimer belongs to this website.
Copyright Complaint Email:
If you find infringing content, please contact us at [email protected].
We will promptly handle your request upon verification. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.